Attention Atticus Writers!
If You're Looking to Master Your Craft and Make a Living as a Writer, There's Only ONE Thing You Need…
...And You Won't Find It In Another Course, Workshop, Masterclass, or Convention!
Hello there Aspiring Writer,
If you’re reading this letter, it's because the amazing minds behind your Atticus software have deemed you worthy of literary greatness. 🙂
Hi, I’m Maxwell Alexander Drake.
An award-winning novelist and former Lead Fiction Writer for Sony’s EverQuest Next. I’ve written in just about every medium there is to write in…
from novels and short stories, comics and graphic novels, video and tabletop games, stage plays and musicals, and even movies and TV.
All Said, I’ve Made a Pretty Good Living Over the Past 20 Years Doing Exactly What I Love: Writing
But enough about me. Let’s talk about you. You see, the fact you’re here gives me insight into you: You’re serious about your craft and career as a writer.
I've been teaching writers for over 20 years. I’ve been around the world and have taught from some of the biggest stages writers will ever see.
And the one question I get asked over and over and over again is:
"Drake, how can I master the craft and become a better writer?"
There's only two things.
#1: You have to write consistently.
#2: You have to be in a writers group.
If You're Not in a Writers Group,
You're Not a Writer...
You're a Typist.
Period. End of story.
You don't need another course.
You don't need another class.
You don't need another workshop.
You don’t need another conference or convention.
And you don’t need another coach.
What You Need is Regular Feedback on Your Work.
And you need to be giving regular feedback on other writers' work.
That’s the way you master your craft and become a great writer.
Hollywood knows this.
In fact, it's one of the best kept secrets to their success.
TV Shows and movies are not created by one person as an island.
In the heyday of tinsel town, back when epic movies and TV shows were being produced, the magic happened inside a legendary space known as…
The Writer's Room
What the Heck Is a Writer’s Room?
Let me explain quickly with a high school analogy:
Remember in high school when you’d do practically anything to get social validation?
Because you knew that once you got into the “in-crowd”... (whatever that was for you)...
…you would hold the title as someone “cool” and therefore worthy of all the fun, excitement and life changing experiences.
That’s what the Writer’s Room is for Hollywood writers.
People spend their entire lives trying to get inside this room. They will fetch coffee 24 hours per day... for people they hate...
They will live on a daily diet of Ramen and Red Bull…
They’ll sacrifice sleep… personal hygiene… and even eating...for days if necessary… to do whatever they need to be part of the team.
Because they all know one truth:
Inside the Writers Room, You Have the Keys to Unlock
Financial Freedom and Opportunity
As a Creative Writer.
You knew as long as you kept showing up… something good would happen to you.
Even if all you did in that room was fetch coffee for the first two years…the osmosis of being in the presence of Hollywood's top creative talent would rub off on you.
And even the smallest chance of having your ideas presented in the bright lights of Hollywood was enough to risk years of your life.
The Writers Room is the Soul of Hollywood
It’s the birthplace of nearly every classic Movie and TV show you can think of.
It’s THE room you want to be in if you’re serious about breaking through the noise in the entertainment industry.
But why did this room work so well? What makes it the reason behind Hollywood’s success?
Well...while most writers try to work solo… These writers are together. They're brainstorming. They help each other find unique, fun angles that would cause head waves in the media.
But more importantly, they're in a room to do one thing:
And that is the big advantage: you are not alone.
There are few professions that are more lonely than writing. The Writers Room changes that.
It takes away the pressure and feeling like you have to do it all yourself.
It reduces the responsibility of being the only person responsible for being creative and shifts some of the burden to other shoulders.
The old idiom of writers having to “Sit down and bleed” always sounded silly to me…
A Writers Room is the exact opposite.
Not only does it make writing a joy… it also brings a very powerful tool for any writer: a strong sense of accountability.
When you combine that with an engaged community, it's nearly impossible not to reach your full potential as a writer.
Now, having worked for Sony as the Head Writer on EverQuest 4, I had heard whispers of the Writers Room
But it wasn't until a chance meeting in Las Vegas that I met someone who had actually participated in one.
The Chance Meeting That Changed Everything
There I was, minding my own business at the Centennial Hills Library in Las Vegas getting ready to do my monthly creative writing class.
The back door opened, a breeze blew all the papers everywhere and in walked this tall, hunky drink of water.
He sat in the back, taking studious notes and asking more than his fair share of questions.
After class, when a small group of us went out to dinner, I had the chance to learn more.
His name was Travis Cody and the more I learned, the more impressed I became. (And if you know me, that's no small feat!)
Travis wrote his first book when he was 12.
He was recruited by a newspaper at the age of 16, becoming the youngest paid journalist in their 110 year history.
He's the author of 16 bestselling books in 4 different genres.
He's also an award winning screenwriter who spent 15 years in Hollywood working for Jonathan D. Krane. (Who's considered one of the most financially successful film producers of all time.)
On top of all that, he's one of the highest paid sales copywriters in the world… regularly helping the “who’s who” of the online marketing world create millions of dollars through the written word.
All Told, He Has Successfully Sold Writing In Four Completely Different Industries
And as if that wasn't enough… one of his books got him featured as a guest expert on Entertainers Who Made America on the History Channel…
Heck… he's even been on Ellen!
I don't say all of that to brag. Well, ok… maybe just a little bit.
I share that to show you… as the saying goes…"He's seen some things, son."
Drake... What Does This Have To Do
With Me Writing A Novel?
Here's what: writing novels in isolation is just as stupid as writing a script in isolation.
Sure, there are novelists out there that write by themselves.
Stephen King, Dan Brown, and JK Rowling are the obvious answer. Yet for every Stephen King there are a million writers who fail.
And the reason they fail is because they are not taking advantage of the fact that they don't need to work alone.
Which brings me back to "The Meeting That Changed Everything."
You see… a lot of writers talk a big talk. Yet how many have actually gone to Hollywood, sold screenplays, and sat in a real Writers Room?
Practically no one. Because 99.9% of all writers don't even know it exists… or they have a completely distorted view of what a Writers Room looks like.
From my conversations with Travis I realized that… when done the RIGHT way…
A True Writers Room Is Purifying
It’s a sacred temple dedicated to storytelling.
A true Writers Room can help you focus even when your brain feels like scrambled eggs.
It can make you accountable even on days you don't want to be.
And the silent pressure of showing up and working with other writers practically forces your muse to come out whenever you need it.
The more Travis and I chatted about his experience, I realized that I had been running a version of my own writers room with my co-authors of The Realm of the Dying Sun.
I was essentially the Showrunner of a Television series, mapping out the seasons and leading the other writers on how to create the individual episodes that made up the entire 20-novel saga.
After many-a-late night conversation discussing our views, Travis and I knew we had to combine forces to create a new community for writers.
A community that had the best of everything we had to offer.
And, thanks to the global shut down of 2020… we realized we now had an opportunity to do something like never before.
One of the Many Lessons This Post-Pandemic World Has Taught Us is:
You can create vibrant, active communities of like-minded people from all around the world. It’s happening everyday.
What’s more if you gather the right group of people who “get it”… people who will support you, encourage you and provide encouragement when you need it…
You will never be alone.
With today’s technology, writers can gather together from the comfort of their homes, get 1% better each day, and have a bouncy-castle worth of fun doing it.
It's taken us over a year to put together. (After all…it's no small task to take one of Hollywood's most secretive and successful processes… combine it with the wit and charm of Drake U…
and also make it accessible to any writer who wants to join.
That’s why we're so excited to invite you to join the world's first and only Virtual Online Writers Room.
Introducing the World's First and Only
Virtual Writers Room
First and foremost, the Writer's Room is a place where you have a committed time to show up and write.'re not writing're writing with other people.
And not only that, you’re writing with the RIGHT people.
That's why the Writer's Room is so powerful. You're writing with other like minded authors, bloggers, copywriters, screenwriters and more who all share a common commitment: Get Better at the CRAFT of Writing
Here's How it Works:
Every week at regular times we open up a live Zoom call.
Anybody who wants to jump on the call, can.
While we'll be 15 minutes early for anyone who wants to network and get caught up…
At the top of the hour, sh*t gets real, as they say…
...because that's when we start.
Once the hour hits, we'll set a timer and put everybody on mute.
Then, we're going to write.
By the end of the hour, you’ll have a sense of satisfaction that can only be earned by showing up and doing the work.
Why This Works So Well
I can tell you from experience that when you sit down and write with people who are committed, you'll find a focus you never knew you had before.
Even better, when you’re in your writing session, it makes it easy for you to say no to the distractions around you.
It's kind of like you’re using The Writers Room as an antidote to all the daily distractions in your life.
Doorbell rings?
Pet acting suuuuuper cute in exchange for a treat?
Cuteness Override… activated.
Family trying to lure you out?
Not right now.
(As my Mom used to say when I was a kid… "If you're not bleeding, it can wait!")
When You Join the Weekly Calls You're Creating a Real Commitment To Your Writing Time
A commitment you will keep far more frequently than you do with others.
That's because there are other people there and you don’t want to let THEM down. (Even if we tend to let ourselves down all the time.)
Plus, when it comes to others, we usually put in our best efforts. Just look at how people treat their pets compared to how they treat themselves. (I mean…not me, of course. Other people, obviously. *Ahem*)
As you can imagine, when you’re surrounded by doers, you’ll be part of a nurturing community of like-minded, caring, supportive writers who all want the same thing…to get their message and stories finished!
We all know there are going to be days where you wake up tired, hating life, potentially exhausted from a night of…silliness.
And we all know those are the same days we need a supportive community to get our most important work done.
My promise to you is that despite the hiccups life gifts us with, we won’t waver. We’ll hold you accountable and help you get your writing matter what.
Otherwise, what’s the point?
That's the Power of Accountability.
And this is why The Writer's Room is going to hold your feet to the fire so you get your writing done.
Even when life jumps up, sucker punches you in the face…and then runs behind you and gives you a swift kick to the ass for good measure.
All in the most loving, supportive way that we possibly can…obviously.
And even though by now I've thoroughly convinced you the Writers Room accountability actually IS the greatest thing since sliced bread…
I will share one more statistic with you as to why this works:
The American Society of Training and Development (ASTD) did a study on accountability and found that you have a 65% chance of completing a goal IF you commit to someone.
And if you have a specific accountability appointment with a person you’ve committed to…like The Writers Room…
You Will Increase Your Chance Of Success By Up To 95%
Now…all that said…these days, with so many distractions, accountability is only one piece of the puzzle.
Community is another piece that you need, which is why we also created…
The Writers Room Private Forum
“Drake, why aren’t you just putting a Facebook group together?"
Facebook is the Devil Supreme when it comes to Distraction…
so IF we did a group you'd wander off looking at stupid, yet silly, memes and never get a word written.
Plus… it’s pretty common knowledge at this point that Facebook is designed to be addictive. Literally. The founding President of Facebook, Sean Parker, even talked about this publicly all the way back in 2017.
If that wasn't enough already… and on the off chance you haven't seen the news lately… online censorship is a real thing.
Not to mention outright misinformation and propaganda.
And The Facebook is a huge culprit. (Yes, I spelled it that way on purpose.)
And since we believe that EVERYONE… regardless of race, religion, gender identity, sexual preference or even… *GASP!*... political philosophy… has the RIGHT TO BE HEARD...
The last thing we want is for someone's question to get deleted or worse… have the whole group taken down.
All because our writers have ideas that don’t follow the "acceptable" narrative that's currently being peddled by whoever is in charge at the moment.
(And those winds can shift at any time, my friend. Just do a Google search for "Hollywood Red Scare".)
That's Why This Forum is a Completely Private "Members Only" Platform
The beautiful thing about the Forum is that there will be "rooms" where you can gather to find like minded writers like you…
After all…the needs of a Romance writer are going to be different from a Fiction writer….
And non-fiction writers will have strategies and opportunities that are completely different from everyone else.
That's why the forum will have separate threads specifically by genre…as well as specific rooms to discuss topics such as:
It's like a super-sized dose of accountability and commitment! And so much more!!
Now… it's all fun and dandy to sit down and write. But unless you're getting feedback, what's the point?
That's why, in addition to the 4X per week writing sessions with Travis and myself…
You Also Get Regular Critique Circles
During this session we'll divide everyone into break out rooms of just 5 writers.
Then, you will have 1,000 words of your writing that you will share with the group over a 10 minute span.
For the next 30 minutes, each person will give you feedback on your work. What's great. Where you're weak. And areas that you can improve on.
Once done, the next person reads out loud for 10 minutes and the circle continues.
There is literally only one way to become a better writer - Have your Writing Critiqued by Others, and Critique Other’s Writing.
And yes, you must do both!
If you’re serious about writing, there are lifelong habits and tricks that you need to learn.
Otherwise, distractions will jump up and sucker punch your good intentions right in the face. (Like the unintentional 4-hour binge of Cat-Halloween videos on YouTube.)
That's Why, Included With Your Membership In The Writers Room Is A Series Of Short Trainings To Help You Master The Craft
TRAINING #1: How to Get Into a Flow State Fast
Total Value: $97
Over my decades as a writer, I've heard plenty about this mystical state called "flow."
And what I have discovered is this: Flow is a learnable skill.
TRAINING #2: Creating the Perfect Creative Writing Space
Total Value: $197
Having a dedicated space to write in is important. In this training you learn how to create one based on some 3,000-year-old energy principles from China.
TRAINING #3: Keywords and Categories
Total Value: $97
Optimize for the right categories and keywords… you can create a scenario where your book will get more and more sales the longer it's been out.
TRAINING #4: Using AI to Create a World Class Book Cover
Total Value: $197
Gone are the days of needing an expensive graphic designer. In fact, I'll show you how I created the cover for one of my books… in just five minutes!
TRAINING #5: The AI Enabled Novelist
Total Value: $497
Learn how to harness the power of AI to be more productive, more prolific and ultimately make more money.
TRAINING #6: The AI Enabled Screenwriter
Total Value: $497
Learn how to use AI to tap into the hidden structure behind the greatest stories ever told on screen. And then create your own legendary story.
Look: I don't care what your stance is on AI writing tools.
The tools are here and they're not going away.
A Few Years From Now There Will Be Two Classes Of Writers: Those Who Use AI and Writers That Don't
It’s your guess as to which class of writer will be earning 98% of the profits.
And that's just the trainings you get access to.
You Also Get These Value Packed Bonuses
Bonus #1: Monthly "State Of The Union" Call w/ Travis & Drake
Once a month you can join Travis and I in a conversation about what's going on in the world right now, today.
While the topics will be wide ranging, some of what we plan to discuss included:
- What’s going on in Publishing Industry
- Changes in distribution
- Current Opportunities
- Everything we’ve seen in the last 30 days
- Updates on Fiction and Screenwriting
- Latest Insights into AI Writing
- Published vs self published
- And more!
More importantly, we'll show you how to jump on the opportunities in the world of writing and publishing that are available to you right now, today.
Bonus #2: Monthly trainings
Each month Travis and I will do deep-dive trainings into various aspects of the written word.
We'll cover everything from theoretical to practical and everything in between!
Bonus #3: Access to Private Writing Co-Horts on Novel Writing and Screenwriting
Similar to the Critique Circles I mentioned earlier, these will be intimate 5-6 person critique sessions led personally by Travis and myself.
Bonus #4: Massive 25% Discount on all training, courses and products
I've never offered a discount to anything I've ever created. And I will never offer a discount outside this program. You only get it by being a Writers Room member in good standing.
Some of the programs you can get include:
Bonus #5: Annual Book Writing Contest
Saving the best for last, all members in good standing of the Writers Room will be eligible to submit their work to our Annual Writing Contest.
Not only will you get the stamp of … you'll also be eligible for a whole host of prizes like:
- One-on-one coaching sessions with me, Travis or another top writing coach.
- Book outline review by top literary agents
- "Done for You" Book Cover design
- "Done for You" Interior layout design
- "Done for You" bestselling author marketing
- Writing retreats at swanky resorts and cool places around the world… (travel expenses not included!)
- And so much more!
Suffice it to say… when you join the Writers Room right now, it will help you eliminate procrastination...
…get your manuscripts written faster than you ever have before...
…and naturally fill you up with the kind of self-confidence that makes other writers envious.
At this point, you’re probably wondering how much this will all cost.
After all…
To Get Inside a Hollywood Writers Room You Have To Sign Over Your Soul and Your First Born Child
#Kidding #NotKidding
Which means anything that doesn't require your soul… OR first born child… would be an absolute BARGAIN!
Seriously though… how could we ever put a value on this? There is quite literally nothing like this in the world today.
(And yes… I know using the word "literally" as I just did is not proper english. What's the point of knowing the rules if you are not going to break them from time to time!?!)
Let's Put Everything You Get Inside the Writers Room Into Perspective.
As I write this letter, the average cost of a "so so" Writing Coach is $100… for one hour.
(And by average, I mean someone who has never published a bestselling book and couldn't give you a definition of "point of view" if their life depended on it.)
At that price… for most writers… one hour per MONTH is about all they can manage.
If you want a GOOD coach… someone like me or Travis who has walked the walk… you're looking at $300+ per hour.
That said, we didn't start the Virtual Writers Room to be an exclusive country club that's only for established writers.
Nor did we want to make it so you had to serve coffee to a bunch of narcissistic arseholes for 10 years…
…whilst groveling and pleading for a seat at the table...
…whilst secretly hoping that one of said arseholes would get run over by a Tesla so you could just have their seat. 😉
Our Mission is to Make the Writers Room the World's Largest, Most Accessible and Most Exclusive Community of Writers
Writers who are changing the world.
Not with money… not with protests… not with apathy… but with their words.
Because let’s not forget that the first storytellers were tribal elders and shamans sitting around the campfire.
To them, telling great stories wasn’t just about "entertainment”... it was about survival.
Through stories, they brought the tribe together. They showed them how to overcome their differences and slay monsters. A great story meant the tribe would grow healthy, strong, and wise.
Underneath all our modern comforts and luxuries, the same is true today. I would even say it’s more true today, in a world that is more distracted, divided, and socially disconnected than ever before.
Look: Travis and I are just two regular shmoes.
But we honestly believe that when we bring writers like you together… we CAN change things.
That we CAN bring hope, inspiration, and motivation to a world desperately in need of it.
And we will do EVERYTHING in our power to help you become one of those writers.
Between Travis and I… if you paid us our hourly rate just for the hourly writing sessions you get in the Writers Room alone…
it would set you back $2,400 a week.
But I insisted to Travis that we make this accessible… even at our own personal cost.
That's why I demanded the "membership dues" to the Writers Room be kept at the ridiculously low rate of just $97 per month.
However... we also know the lovely and amazing minds behind Atticus... so we knew that we had to do something even better for you. That's why you also get an additional 50% off of the monthly dues for your first three months.
Here's Everything You Get With
Just $97/mo
As an Atticus user, you qualify for an additional 50% off for the first THREE months...
and of course... you can cancel anytime!
Why You Need To Act Right Now
If you haven't noticed… the world feels fractured.
Craziness abounds… and it seems like it's getting crazier everyday.
WE NEED YOUR VOICE… Your wisdom… Your guidance… Your inspiration… and yes… YOUR LOVE.
(Ok. Maybe some of that "woo woo"-ness from Travis rubbed off on me. So sue me.)
The ONLY way we can beat back the tide is to flood the world with truth and goodness.
And while we created the Writers Room to provide the community that we all need as writers…
On a deeper level we're on a mission… a mission to help as many good, honest people… like you… to get their stories shared with the world.
Like I said… we're just two regular schmoes. But together… we truly can change the world for the better.
The only question is… will you join us?
Will you join the Writers Room and help us build the beautiful, remarkable community it needs to become…
Will You Join Me In Stepping Up and Contributing To Our World When It Really Needs You The Most?
Or will you insist on trying to do it all alone?
Will you leave yourself open to self-doubt, Imposter Syndrome, and all the other devils that fight to keep you silent?
Or will you embrace your sacred duty to the tribe and join your fellow writers on the path to glory?
As grandiose as that may sound, I mean every word of it.
The Writers Room is a culmination of our life’s work.
I've spent the last 23 years teaching writing from some of the biggest stages in the world…
And Travis has spent the better part of the last three decades gathering up the best insights from the world’s most talented and elite creative writers…
…across the three most powerful industries in the world: Marketing, Publishing and Hollywood.
Now, if everything we offered wasn't already enough, we're going to knock this out of the park for you.
And announce something that's never been done before.
Hollywood's Crisis is YOUR Opportunity
There's an opportunity that many writers aren't really aware of… and you wouldn't be aware of... unless you'd spent the amount of time in Hollywood that I did.
Right now, Hollywood is desperate for original content. To give you an idea of just how big the demand is right now, let's look at some numbers.
Recently, “The Big Seven” - AKA Dreamworks, Warner Bros, Universal Studios, Fox, Paramount, Disney, and Sony - spent $18 billion collectively on all of their movies and TV shows.
For the longest time, The Big Seven represented the entirety of Hollywood.
During that same time, Netflix…by itself…spent $20 billion on original programming.
Netflix spent more money on original programming than all of Hollywood COMBINED.
That. Is. INSANE.
And I haven't even mentioned what Amazon and Apple are spending on top of that.
If you've ever wondered why there's so much crappy "entertainment" being made right now…it's because Hollywood is so desperate they're grabbing anything they can.
And quite frankly, many of the top decision makers in Hollywood have lost their way when it comes to classic storytelling.
They don’t JUST need “original content”. They need STORIES that have the same heart and soul of those legendary Writer’s Rooms we had back in the day.
That's why we're going to give you a bonus that you'll find nowhere else…
How to Sell Your Stories and
Ideas to Hollywood
Imagine… taking your completed book and story to Hollywood and selling it. People do it all the time.
And more than ever, now that Hollywood is in a shooting war with Netflix.
(Shooting war as in…who can shoot the most content. See what I did there? #CreativeWriter 😉
This bonus is going to show you everything you need to sell your story to the big wigs.
I'm also going to walk you through the almost guaranteed way for you to publish a book AND position it so you can get meetings in Hollywood with top agents and producers!
Finally, we're going to give you something that frankly, most of our friends have said is insane.
After you join the Writers Room and finish your manuscript, we want you to submit it to us for review. If Travis and I think that it's Hollywood worthy…
We Will Pay to Publish Your Book… Make it a Bestseller... and Turn it Into a Screenplay
That means WE pay for your editing, WE pay for your cover design, WE pay for your interior layout and we even pay for your bestseller marketing campaign.
Not only that but we will, at my expense, pay to have it turned into a professional "ready to shoot" screenplay.
You, in return, will allow my company to act as your manager to go out and sell your project to Hollywood.
This truly is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity…especially if you've ever felt like your life story deserved to be on screen.
There's no one else in the publishing industry…let alone Hollywood...that's willing to take the time to review unknown, unpublished writers, and then pay to turn them into the next Hollywood blockbuster.
That alone is worth a thousand times more than the price you're paying as a member.
You would frankly be completely mental to not want to join us today.
One caveat to this offer:
Only Writers Room members in good standing are qualified to submit their manuscripts.
We're not going to be accepting submissions from someone outside the Writers Room. This is an exclusive member's only opportunity
And finally… as if I haven't already given you so much right now that your brain is melting...
Once per year, we will have a friendly, supportive creative contest where…
We Will Independently Produce One Members Story as a Low Budget Film
Each year, we’ll take the top stories that have been submitted to us and we will put them up to the Writers Room membership to vote on.
YOU the members will pick the story that you think would make the best film. Then, we will take a portion of the Writer's Room membership dues and we will independently produce that project as a low-budget film.
How’s that for an opportunity?
Frankly, at this point…why are you still reading? Click on the button below and join the Writers Room right away!
What About a Guarantee, Drake?
If you've read this far and you're still worried about a're not very serious about your career.
Look, I'll make it easy.
You can cancel anytime with no further charges. But there are no refunds.
You can't just “dip your toes” in the water of the Writers Room, take advantage of our amazing members, training, and community...and then ask for your money back.
That's what uncommitted amateurs do. It's also just another excuse that your brain will give you to keep you from moving forward.
You're Either Committed To Getting Your Stories Published And Into The World... Or You're Not
If you aren't writing every single day...and if you're not surrounded by a community of writers who are writing every day...
Then maybe it's time you go find a different hobby.
We don't have time for people to "check it out". That slows us down at best…and breaks our chain at worst. If that offends you...don't join. Easy as that.
The Writer's Room is creating and supporting writers who want to change the world with their words.
And we're not only committed to helping more writers become published authors...
We're on a mission to help more authors have their work produced than any other company in the world.
The Hollywood decision-makers are so high up their ivory tower they've become out of touch.
And they've also created so many roadblocks, moats, and briar patches, they make it nearly impossible for original, creative talent to find their way there.
Well, guess what?
I'm not in Hollywood anymore and they can suck it.
TOGETHER…we're going to change Hollywood with our stories…on our own... outside the walls of the ivory gates.
The Only Question is, Are You Going to Join Us on This Quest?
Maxwell Alexander Drake
Here's Everything You Get With
Just $97/mo
As an Atticus user, you qualify for an additional 50% off for the first THREE months...
and of course... you can cancel anytime!
Here's Everything You Get With
Just $97/mo
As an Atticus user, you qualify for an additional 50% off for the first THREE months...
and of course... you can cancel anytime!
"I've been in publishing, one way or another, for almost 40 years, including being a publisher myself (six authors' books in print). I can say without hesitation that I have NEVER seen anything as easy or powerful as this."
David Garfinkel - Marketing Consultant
#1 Bestselling Author of Breakthrough Copywriting
“Drake taught me the importance of theme... and how to write an emotional roller-coaster that stays on the tracks.”― Nicole S.
"I can't tell you the power that comes from saying you are a bestselling author. It truly does open doors and set you apart from others who are doing something similar."
Makayla Leone - Wellness & Beauty Consultant
#1 Bestselling Author of Unlock Your Genius
“Drake breaks down theme and how to use it. He "clearly explains it--no confusion. Other instructors simply say, "hey, do this." Drake discusses how his information can be used effectively to create a better story.”― Terra C.
"Travis Cody was instrumental in helping me to get my book published and in getting it to #1 on Amazon. If you want your own bestselling book, follow his method and you will see results."
Jon Benson - Marketing Consultant and "Billion Dollar Copywriter"
#1 Bestselling Author of Open Click Buy
“Drake really understands the part of story structure that isn't always spoken about--he calls it the invisible layer. Through applying what the teaches, I instantly realized what my books had been missing.”― K.C.
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